English as a Second Language: Title 3

The NKCPS English as a Second Language program is in place to provide additional English instruction and support services to ensure the success of English Language Learners. An ELL is a student whose home language is not English, who needs additional supports to learn English, and/or who requires modified academic work to accommodate for learning English in order to meet state objectives along with English language standards.

The ESL Program provides the necessary modified instruction and tutoring to ensure English Language Learners are able to be successful in the classroom. 

Along with direct services to students, the ESL staff works with teachers to develop instructional strategies that will support student acquisition of the English language across all content areas.   

For more information on NKCPS ESL, please visit the ESL website or contact one of our staff members below.

ESL Program Staff:
Monica Starkweather - ESL teacher
Roni Iwanski - Home/Family Liaison, Instructional Assistant
 Dana Gumm - Title III coordinator